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Paesaggio by Dario Sanna, 2022

Paesaggio (Vaasa)

2022, Vaasa (Finland)

Environmental installation, two channel audio
Variable dimensions

Snow, piezo microphones, glass, zoom H5 recorder, two channel mixer, speakers, plastic sheet

photos, collages

April in Vaasa is a month of transition, during which the hard winter ends and gives way to spring. To capture this change, I observed with interest the melting of the ice that has defined the landscape in previous months. This observation in turn led to the archiving and manipulation of visual and sound materials. A series of landscape photographs, collages, and a sound installation summarize the research.

During this month I photographed the landscape and recorded the sounds of the ice. The collected material was partly manipulated with the databending technique and partly fused into a sound environment.

These works are part of the Paesaggi series, began in 2020. The projects that compose the series, concern the study and interpretation of the landscape, through a dialectical game between “specific” elements of the environment and multimedia technologies.

Paesaggio (Vaasa) is the result of a one-month artistic residency curated by Platform and the Ottovolante Sulcis association in collaboration, done in Platform’s studio in Vaasa (Finland) in April 2022.

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Workshop – Platform as a temporary community

Platform as a temporary community
-Shared multimedia storytelling.


Participatory multimedia storytelling. For the first occasion bring an everyday object ( It can be a physical object, sound, text, photo or video.)

●Wednesday 13 th April 17.00-19.00
-Bring an object, introduction, photographic cataloguing of the objects.

●Wednesday 20th April
– Creative process/production

●Wednesady 27th April
-Setting up and sharing works
This workshop is FREE and open to EVERYONE!
Teacher Dario Sanna (ITA)

“The community was activated from the moment we
arrived at this place carrying our objects.”



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After Work at Platform W. Artist-in-Residence Dario Sanna

Join us on our first Platform After Work of 2022!

WHERE? Platform projectroom.
Kyrkoesplanaden 20D

WHEN? Thursday 7th of April
at 19.30-22.00


During this evening:
• You will have the possibility to meet our
new Artist-in- Residence, Dario Sanna
• You can watch the new muralpainting by Mattias Löfqvist
• You can have a snack and drink in good company
• You will listen to a usic selection by our in-house dj Michele Uccheddu

•• This is also a perfect oportunity to sign up as a member of Platform since our new year of operation starts in April ••

Bring a friend!


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Open call for national (FI)  muralists, painters and graphic designers who work professionally in their field and have experience in large-scale painting. 


The painting location is our small entryway which consists of a small box with two doors, two walls, the ceiling + the bottom of one door. The dimensions of the surfaces are: 2x walls 225x70cm. Ceiling 70x100cm. Lower part of inner door 90x100cm.

Our address is Kyrkoesplanaden 20 D, VASA.


We are looking for an abstract/geometric painting that covers the entire surface. And give the visitors of our project space a feeling of a portal going in and out of the space. 


The fee for the completed painting is 1200€ + per diem of 44€/day during the time the work is done. Platform will cover the cost of materials and travel expenses. In addition, we offer accommodation in our residence apartment for the period when the painting is carried out.


To apply, please send the following:

 -A sketch/description of the painting you want to do.

– CV

-Portfolio / link to portfolio


The information should be sent to:

DEADLINE 13 March 2022 at 16.00


Execution during the period 21-31 March





Öppen ansökningsomgång för nationella (FI) muralmålare, målare och grafiska formgivare som arbetar professionellt inom sitt område samt har erfarenhet av storskaligt måleri. 


Målningens placering är vår lilla entre som består av en liten box med två dörrar, två väggar, taket + nedre delen av ena dörren. Måtten för ytorna är: 2x väggar 225x70cm. Tak 70x100cm. Nedre del av innerdörr 90x100cm.

Vår adress är Kyrkoesplanaden 20 D, VASA.


Vi söker efter en abstrakt/ geometrisk målning som täcker hela ytorna. Och ger besökarna i vårt projektrum en känsla av en sluss som går in och ut från lokalen. 


Arvodet för den utförda målningen är 1200€ + dagtraktamente på 44€/dag under tiden som arbetet utförs. Platform står för materialkostnader samt resekostnader. Dessutom erbjuder vi boende i vår residens lägenhet för perioden när målningen utförs.


För att ansöka ber vi dej sända följande:

 -En skiss/ beskrivning över den målning du vill utföra.

– Cv

-Portfolio / länk till portfolio


Informationen sänds till:

DEADLINE 13 Mars 2022 kl.16.00


Utförande under perioden 21-31 mars 2022


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ODJUREN 26-27.11

On stage: Malin Vispe, Jakob Granqvist

Director: Josefine Koskinen

Collaboration with Wasa Teater, Strindbergs Intima Teater, Rymdstationen Scenkonst

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Platform 20 Years Festival

Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate Platform 20 years!
Thanks to the artists for sharing your work, ideas and love.
We hope this can be the kickstart of an eventful winter and spring for Platform. So keep your eyes open for coming events!

Thanks to Frontline audio
Cafe proosa & Vaasan kaupunginkirjasto

And thanks to Kulturfonden Taike, Svensk Österbottniska Samfundet, Vasa stad, Harry Shaumans stiftelse, Bröderna Gröndahls stiftelse & Otto A. Malms donationsfond
For making this possible!

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