Platform Live 27.12.2014, 18.00
Mira-talo/huset/house, Kirkkopuistikko/Kyrkoesplanaden 34
Platform will host 5 artists from Stockholm’s Fylkingen, a long-standing venue and artists’s society focusing on experimental work in music, performance, video, film, dance, sound-text composition and intermedia. On Saturday 27th Marie Gavois, Hiroko Tsuchimoto, Sören Runolf, Irina Anufrieva and Per Åhlund will perform at Mira-house in Vaasa. The event starts at 18.00 and goes on as long as necessary. Join us and enjoy some first-class performances and sound pieces!
Free entrance!

Marie Gavois
Marie Gavois is a stage- and visual artist living and working in Stockholm, Sweden. She formulates her work in the fields and material of body, stage, dance, sculpture text and sound.
Staging action, with a visual language speaking in both big and small letters , the word as material became important as a starting point in her work in telling stories.
Marie is part of different artist collectives and initiatives where the artists organize and support independent productions and festivals, programming radical performance- and stage art as well as new music. To have a focus on the concrete local scene and space and an integrated dialogue with its surrounding is an important part of her way of getting on with the art.
Marie does collaborations as well, as a curator for performance art programs in collaboration with the artist Cecilia Germain, the two artists are organizing in Stockholm mainly. Gavois/Germain has written texts as a duo. Marie works with the composer Alexandra Nilsson in a project where the two artists research the voice as an instrument for abstraction, the voice as raw material, power construction and artistic tool together.
The third ongoing collaboration is with the filmmaker Michel Klöfkorn from Frankfurt in Germany, where Maries performative body is presented in moving image.

Hiroko Tsuchimoto
Hiroko Tsuchimoto is a visual/performance artist, living in Sweden since 2008. She began her career at Musashino Art University in Tokyo and went on to study at Konstfack and Kungl.Konsthögskolan (Royal Institute of Arts) in Stockholm.
Since moving to Europe, she has worked with ethnography as a subject matter. In her art she shifts between grand narratives and every day stories, highlighting the cultural construction of personal identity. She tells stories about otherness and the will to belong, based on her experiences as an Asian immigrant. This position gives her a bird’s eye view on both the Swedish – and Japanese society. Through her works she makes gaps in our normality, for self-reflection and external observations. Recent works focus on subject matter such as borders, myths and cultural mapping – exploring Swedish & Japanese folklore, set in a present day context. She often includes a feminist perspective, problematizing traditional gender roles and Japanese politics. Her goal is to make art that is easy on both critical eyes, and the disinterested gaze – creating an aesthetic experience, with a deeper meaning underneath.

Sören Runolf
Sören Runolf has been a member of free improvising group Lokomotiv Konkret (with Tommy Björk, Dror Feiler) for decades as well as Too Much Too Soon Orchestra, Smullotron and Cloudchamber. He has played regularly alongside Mats Lindström, Lise-Lotte Norelius, Johannes Bergmark and many others and is a member of Fire! Orchestra.
He is generally known for his innovative use of conventional instruments, such as the cello and the electric guitar but also uses synth, sampler, contact mics and analog & digital sound processors. He has made music for intermedia projects and dance, and has also been involved in innumerable Swedish and international improvised music constellations and experimental music groups.
Video clip of Lokomotiv Konkret:

Irina Anufrieva
Irina Anufrieva is a dancer, choreographer and performance artist with background in classical ballet and Japanese butoh dance. Educated at SU-EN Butoh Company in Sweden and InZhest Theatre in Belarus. In her work Irina researches physical manifestations in nature and human body, the interaction of all living things with each other, as well as the interaction of the material and immaterial, physical and mental.
Video documentation of solo dance performance VOID presented at The First Forum of Dance and Physical Theatres PlaStforma-Minsk-2013, Belarus.
Video documentation of dance performance Albus (2012) presented at Moderna museet, Sweden, 2012.
In collaboration with Joanna Bodzek (visual idea, costume and make up) and Per Åhlund (music: live electronics).

Per Åhlund
Per Åhlund resides in Stockholm, Sweden where he’s involved in several experimental music-, improvisation- and sound art-projects. His live soundscapes blur the boundaries between noise and music, stillness and hysteria, darkness and light. He create compositions on the verge of dissolving and focuses on mood and texture rather than tonality and rhythm.
He performs live on a regular basis and has the last few years toured with acts like Amber Asylum, ?Alos, b°tong and Origami Galaktika amongst others. He has released several full length albums containing abstract, dark soundscapes with such projects as Diskrepant, Skare and Den Arkaiska Rösten. He has also made music for experimental film and dance.
Live he use contact microphones, gadgets, voice, loops and effects to form abstract sound environments created in the moment. At Mirahuset he will perform a piece together with Irina Anufrieva.