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For the third performance festival, Platform invited the artists:

Irma Optimisti (FIN), Pekka Luhta (FIN), Lauri Luhta (FIN), John Court (FIN/ENG), Juha Valkeapää (FIN), Ladyburst (GR), Dimitris Halatsis (GR), Marianne Saapunki (SWE), Marina Ciglar, (FIN/ SWE), Helena Eriksson (SWE), Nina Boas (NL), Rasmus Hedlund (FIN), Stephan US (DE), Mattias Olofsson (SWE), Elina Harzell (FIN), Mark Ward (FIN/ IRL), Herman Hiller (DE), Willem Willhelmus (FIN/ NL), Maurice Blok (FIN/ NL), Seppo Salminen (FIN), Tanja Koistila (FIN), Leena Kela (FIN), Christian Rupp (AT), Fredrik Willberg (FIN),Tom Backström “KÅL”-gruop (FIN), Paul Murgnahan (IRL), Dragos Alexandrescu (FIN/ RO), Peter Lüttge (FIN/ DE), Tomasz Szrama (FIN/ PL), Jaap Klevering (FIN/NL)
and Otzir Godot (FIN).


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